Events at Carver Ridge

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Community-Led Events You Can Enjoy Alone or With Friends

Building relationships and maintaining friendships can help make a positive impact on the lives of our residents. We’ve worked hard to develop a range of fun and accessible social opportunities for our community members.

Our community-led events offer our residents the chance to get to know one another and truly take advantage of all communal living has to offer.

Senior Living Activity Calendar

Legacy Court Activity Calendar

Monthly Newsletter



Future Events

Why Choose Us?

We are always looking for new and exciting things for our community to do! On top of a revolving schedule of monthly events, our residents also have a say in what we do next!

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Are you worried about giving up crucial aspects of your lifestyle? We offer a range of lifestyle options so you can hold on to the independence you crave!

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Our community is equipped with advanced technology to keep you safe and healthy. From air purification to medical-grade surface protectants, we take the necessary steps to protect you from illness and pollutants.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

You can easily find our community on 6th Street West, just a few blocks away from the Carver Fire Department!

Email Us

Our Address

920 6th Street West
Carver, MN 55315

Call Us

Phone: 952-214-0400

Business Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
10 AM3 PM
10 AM3 PM

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