Our Community at Carver Ridge

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Focusing On Your Comfort

Carver Ridge is a luxury senior living community specially designed to support a myriad of lifestyles and needs. Our expertly trained, compassionate staff work diligently to provide the very best for our residents and help them feel completely at home.

We offer a wide variety of services and amenities to best suit our residents’ needs and provide an inviting, welcoming environment for everyone. We offer elegant indoor and outdoor spaces, state-of-the-art amenities, and engaging events to ensure there is something for everyone at Carver Ridge.

We support various levels of care to suit a diverse spectrum of individuals. We offer Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care options to ensure residents get the care they need.

Be a Part of Our History

Carver Ridge is a proud part of the Lifespark Living communities located all across the country. Since Lifespark Living’s start in 1989, Lifespark has expanded from a handful of communities to over 40, with highly experienced leadership working in the senior living profession for over 25 years !

At Carver Ridge, we adhere to the values laid out by Lifespark Senior Living. These values are built on the 7 Dimensions of Wellness, our guiding principles for developing and implementing programs.

Improving our residents’ lives is of utmost importance to us, so we center our care around heartfelt compassion and excellent standards of care.

Our Mission

Spark Lives and Empower Seniors to Age Magnificently

Our Commitments to You

Respect Everyone For Who They Are & Who They May Become

Personal connection and building relationships with our residents help make Carver Ridge feel like home. We treat all members of our community as family, with respect, consideration, and compassion. Our staff takes the time to get to know each resident on a personal level, and will always greet our residents by name and with a smile.

We strive to celebrate our community’s uniqueness and work hard to ensure there are a variety of choices available to suit all needs and lifestyles. We aim to meet every need with urgency and try to anticipate them whenever possible.

We are dedicated to continually growing and improving our systems and programs so we can accommodate as many needs and preferences as possible. We will never make promises that we can’t keep, will always apologize when necessary, and never make excuses. All our staff members are dedicated to being part of the team, and they work hard to resolve all concerns.

Why Choose Us?

We are always looking for new and exciting things for our community to do! On top of a revolving schedule of monthly events, our residents also have a say in what we do next!

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Are you worried about giving up crucial aspects of your lifestyle? We offer a range of lifestyle options so you can hold on to the independence you crave!

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Our community is equipped with advanced technology to keep you safe and healthy. From air purification to medical-grade surface protectants, we take the necessary steps to protect you from illness and pollutants.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

You can easily find our community on 6th Street West, just a few blocks away from the Carver Fire Department!

Email Us

Our Address

920 6th Street West
Carver, MN 55315

Call Us

Phone: 952-214-0400

Business Hours

9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment
By Appointment

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